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Know About Connect Plus? This Is How You’ll Find Out.

Know About Connect Plus? This Is How You’ll Find Out.

Key Points:

  • Connect Plus is a unique, affordable wireless solution with a long track record
  • Easy access and solid reliability makes Connect Plus a popular business tool
  • Regional coverage keeps workers linked far beyond Kansas City

Of the multiple ways to coordinate and manage roaming employees in the Kansas City area, one traditional solution still stands out. Connect Plus is a proven wireless workhorse. This is how businesses and other organizations typically become true believers.

One Of Our Customers Will Recommend It.

When something works — really works — word gets around without much help. Commenco’s Connect Plus is a wide area wireless radio system with a purpose-built voice and data network. It’s robust, reliable, and couldn’t be easier to use. That’s probably why our customers find out about it before we have a chance to tell them. Fleet managers talk. Construction contractors talk. So do school districts. Everyone likes to spread the word about a good solution.

Commercial two-way radios alone will do the job if your employees are in fairly close proximity and sticking to a specific location. But if you have crews constantly on the go across Kansas City and beyond, Connect Plus is the way to go. Contact Commenco about Connect Plus, and the first thing we’ll likely do is show you a map.

The coverage area speaks for itself and puts Connect Plus in an elite group. It’s easily one of the biggest systems of its kind in the country. Dependable and clear communications across our entire region in an instant. That says it all.

wireless radio network coverage kansas city
The Connect Plus Wide Area Wireless coverage map

Commenco began putting Connect Plus together long ago as we pioneered two-way radio infrastructure across Kansas City. We’ve carefully designed, perfected, and maintained the system over the years, and today, thousands of users rely on it. Any organization with fleet vehicles or staff scattered as far away as Jefferson City, Junction City or the Iowa border can immediately jump on Connect Plus and stay there without worry of frustrating interruptions.

Anyone who’s tapped into Connect Plus will tell you it just works. You don’t have to think about it. You just use it. Commenco deploys sophisticated system monitoring software and we’ve also built in many safeguards. There’s just not much room for serious or prolonged glitches to pop up and impact users.

Businesses as small and unique as KC Pet Project use Connect Plus to dispatch workers to animals in need in local neighborhoods. Managers of local vehicle fleets supporting supply chain warehouses and distribution centers depend on the system too. So do delivery drivers servicing retail businesses. There are landscapers and construction businesses also, and organizers of high profile events like the KC Air Show who shuttle people and material across the city. Even the KC Streetcar is a Connect Plus customer.

We’re even seeing agriculture businesses using Connect Plus. It allows them to move seamlessly from urban areas of Kansas City out to satellite towns in farming communities. School bus companies reap a similar benefit in rural areas across the region.

The KC Streetcar depends on Connect Plus

You’ll See For Yourself What It Can Do.

If your coverage requirements are all over Kansas City or region-wide, the Connect Plus map will convince you to give the system a try. Commenco will then put compatible commercial two-way radios in your hands and set you free to take the system for a spin. 

The radios are incredibly durable and withstand even difficult working conditions and environments. And the sound quality will probably surprise you. These aren’t cell phones. They’re professional radios built to perform no matter what. That means good, clear sound and sensitive microphones are paramount in the technical design.


If government transportation agencies regulate your business, they’ll likely prefer Connect Plus two-ways over smartphones because driving while holding a phone to your ear is unacceptable. The push-to-talk simplicity of two-ways reduces driving distractions and the radios can be easily adapted to operate safely and effectively hands-free.

Vehicle installation can include features like foot switches that let drivers activate radios without taking their eyes off the road. There are also different ways you can position microphones, like on the visor just above your head. Regulators have confidence in two-way configurations and in most cases insist on them.

Mobile installation and accessories makes easy two-way operation even easier.

Multiple, flexible talk paths make a good two-way experience outstanding. Imagine push-to-talk simplicity and vivid sound clarity between two users, one user communicating with many others, or many users looped into the same talk path at the same time. You could dedicate several or even dozens of talk paths to specific users for specific purposes.

You’ll Wonder Why You Didn’t Subscribe Sooner.

By the time new Connect Plus customers finish their trial run, they’re believers. They’ve seen the full value, everything from the coverage area to the flexible design and application of sophisticated two-way radio technology. They’ve put it all to the test under a variety of their own circumstances and return to Commenco with a question that’s all too familiar to our team, ‘Why didn’t I sign up for this sooner?’

The right hardware, the right coverage and robust, secure frequencies are plenty of reasons to connect to Connect Plus. And the cost will convince you too. You can buy or rent the radios, there’s no special licensing required, and Connect Plus rates easily fit most budgets. Compare all of that to your cell plan. It’s very cost-effective and most customers don’t need much time to think it over.