
Our Safe Hospitals integrated ecosystem allows you to address everyday concerns as well as emerging situations through the four pillars — Detect, Analyze, Communicate and Respond.

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creating safe hospitals

A person may enter a healthcare facility for a variety of reasons. Their experience should begin with safety, whether they are a patient, a healthcare worker, security personnel, or a custodian. We envision a world in which technology seamlessly integrates intelligent awareness solutions with fast, seamless communication to enable not only safety but also efficiency, from intake to discharge. This vision is known as Safety Reimagined.

Safeguard your hospital by detecting who is entering your facility

Safeguarding an entire hospital where things are happening all the time is no easy task. Detection plays a critical role in improving situational awareness and decreasing response times to potential issues and operational problems, from controlling multiple points of entry to monitoring staff safety and surveilling restricted areas. Integrated video security employs artificial intelligence to provide high visibility throughout your facility in a single view. Access control allows for entry management, immediate lockdown, and device push notifications. When a situation is detected, ensure that all personnel — across multiple teams and devices — are automatically informed of critical information. All of this contributes to better insights, allowing you to focus on preventing incidents from becoming emergencies.

Utilize AI to analyze activities on your campus

Hospitals are often associated with safety, but those involved in the safeguarding of these facilities know that security breaches and potential emergencies are constantly being intercepted. Identifying unwanted individuals, tracking persons of interest, locating nearest resources and containing escalating situations in this environment is a demanding task. Appearance Search capabilities quickly and seamlessly explore video footage to identify persons or vehicles of interest across your campus or parking lot. Video analytics detect potentially suspicious or potentially dangerous activity, providing real-time insights into facility-wide movements. The Focus of Attention interface quickly brings your attention to areas of video security interest, increasing efficiency and improving response time when evaluating a situation. Ultimately, these solutions and insights are crucial to cutting through the noise, proactively locating points of interest and recognizing which events are important — so you can have eyes on the scene to evaluate and determine the best response possible with greater confidence. 

Create seamless communication between teams

Communication that is clear and timely is essential for keeping your teams connected and informed. When needed, radio communications instantly and reliably connects security, staff, and local law enforcement. Broadband push-to-talk with multimedia capabilities broadens your reach by allowing voice and data information to be shared across devices to those in sister facilities or off-site. Mass notification capabilities allow you to quickly notify and share information with your entire organization. Connectivity — across devices, networks, and locations — is critical to keeping you and your team aware and informed at all times.

Enable informed first response with tools built to increase safety and awareness

You must communicate with one another in order to coordinate an efficient response. Being prepared and aware is essential for dealing with whatever situations may arise. When your valued staff is equipped with the right tools for maintaining efficiency as well as a sense of security, the patient experience will improve. Dynamic interoperability enables real-time data sharing with public safety response teams, improving situational awareness. Incident management automates the recording of incident reports. This makes it simple to link multimedia to reports and use it to inform future decisions. Allowing for rapid response and documenting previous incidents can be crucial in preventing incidents and creating a safer hospital.

Safe Ecosystems to secure healthcare's vital moments

Technology solutions for Healthcare

Connect your staff and first responders intelligently to detect, analyze, communicate, and respond to everyday and emergency occurrences. Commenco can assist you in determining the best solution for your needs, as well as assisting administrators in preventing problems before they become critical.

Broadband PTX / TLK

Commenco is proud to offer WAVE PTX as a two-way radio solution that works for you nationwide. Wave PTX is a subscription-based group communication service that instantly connects your team across different devices, networks, and locations.

Get the benefit of WAVE PTX with a rugged two-way radio on a broadband network and increase productivity in-country and cross-border with push-to-talk wherever your network takes you.

Access Control Equipment & installation

Access control technology allow you to control one or all doors in your facility 24 hours a day. Our team can design, install, and deploy your new system, regardless of who manufacturers it or where you bought it from.

Signal / Cell Booster / BDA

A Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) is part of a Distributed Antenna System (DAS), both of which are signal boosters used to increase coverage for wireless two-way radios and cellular devices. Since variables such as building materials, dead spots, and interference offer unique challenges within a facility, nearly every BDA-DAS solution is custom-designed.

In many localities, Bi-Directional Amplifiers are mandated in structures such as schools. BDAs are used to boost two-way radio signal strength on Public Safety frequencies to ensure that first responders remain in contact with each other during an emergency. Commenco has extensive experience with BDA-DAS signal boosters to meet local codes and our technicians are ready to deploy at your convenience. 

Surveillance Solutions

Our surveillance hardware combined with Artificial Intelligence-enabled video analytics software means the system learns what a potential threat looks like so it can be flagged before it becomes a problem.

  • Appearance Search
  • Facial Recognition
  • “Focus Your Attention Here” Notifications
  • Forensic Search Capabilities
  • License Plate Recognition
  • Next-Generation Video Analytics
  • Self Learning Video Analytics
  • Unusual Activity Detection
  • Unusual Motion Detection

Inventory & Patient Tracking

RFID and barcode technologies make it easy to keep track of patients, prescriptions, and supplies. We partner with Zebra Technology and a number of other manufacturers to customize and deploy partner solutions for healthcare environments.

two way radio training kansas city

Wireless Infrastructure Design/Installation

Design medical buildings with communication in mind. Our wireless design team can assist project management, preparing your newest facility, and installing/deploying your new system.

Schedule a site assessment today

Related products for Healthcare

two way radio

Wave PTX / TLK

Incident management

access control

camera & Video

Nitro CBRS Private LTE

Radio/cell signal boosters

Wireless Device technology

Commenco proudly serves Serves: Kindergartens, Middle Schools, High Schools, (K-12), Private Schools, Public Schools, Higher Education, Daycare, Childcare Facilities, Colleges, Trade Schools, Learning Centers, Test Centers, Tutoring, Universities, Special Education, Camps, Academies, Sports Training Centers